Thursday, April 14, 2011

fork in the road

 woke up at my own speed and time today.  quiet guest houses can feel your own when no one else is around.  this and the pot of coffee and breakfast has me feeling recovered. 

i sit now, 12pm, wondering just what to do with myself.  too late to go for a decent walk, and as i spent about 3 hours getting those video uploaded yesterday, i don't want to be sitting in a cafe.  so today is an inhouse day.  so more coffee, my music and the option of reading or writing. 

my door opens onto the garden, and the roof, when clear, allows an amazing view of the lake and mountains.  it was clear for an hour, so i now see the cold rock, from this warmer distance.  this i can get used to, for the day.

so i sit here, and the thought/decision of the day is 'which way to home, the high road or the low road.  today, the arbitrarily assigned deadline.  the low road has me flying in a few weeks to istanbul to the beginning of reconnecting with old friends, and the beginning of the more familiar; closer to home.  the high road has me after the few remaining weeks here overlanding it to india for a few months at a yoga institute:

so i am in quandary.  this trip's goal is readjustment and transition-to undo whatever damage i have done to my id/ego/superego/person with my saudi hermit-like existence.  as i have been giving this a thought since i got the response from the yoga institute, all during the last two walks.  now the time to choose has come.  path-plan-purpose at the fork of options.  

so i have weighted it all up, over the days of walking and the input of others, and have decided that it shall be the high road.  more work to be done, as this trekking has truly only been the beginning.  i feel lighter now, in spirit and health.  i have made it, some great distance, away from saudi.  but i have come to the conclusion that when i land home, it should be on two legs that can support that transition.  and what better to support, but yoga feet?  new agey possibly.  but i can recall the time period in university that i was doing yoga regularly, and it seemed to center me during a very turbulent time, of unsettled youth.

so unsettled adult?  i am, in a process, of eventual, attempted settling. i feel that the old medicines, the ones that affect, should be recalled and re-instituted.  i have been dipping back into the past, in many ways, to make anew.  some of the timings, the rhythms, have been a bit off.  but with a bit of tweaking, and practice, i am beginning to see myself in the mirror.

i figure two months at least, the repetition of a daily practice, will become a long habit.  should be difficult to shake, even with the coming distractions.  is it?

so i am sorry to say, it will be a bit longer till i see all of you.  but so may i land in pittsburgh, tadasana, two yoga feet, not one gouted one!  all the better to see you with.

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